Interview By Jamison Harvey
Name, Location, What you Do.
My name is Nicole Wray I go by Lady Wray, I’m a soul singer.
Tell us about how you got into music, who are your influences, and how you linked up with Big Crown Records.
I’m a soul singer. I started first in church then in the music industry when I was about 17 years of age. Missy Elliott signed me to my first record deal in 1998 to Goldmine Inc / Elektra Records . I went on to release my first single that went Gold in just 4 weeks and topped the Billboard HOT 100 peaking at number 5. Some of my influences back then were Mary J. Blige , Lauren Hill, TLC, Mariah Carey, WU Tang Clan. I later hooked up with TRUTH & SOUL records in 2011 working with Terri Walker of the UK in a duo group called LADY Produced by Leon Michels. We both wanted to continue pursuing our careers and thought this would be fun and great way to get back out there. We recorded our first and only album called LADY. Together we did a few tours with Lee Fields and decided we were done with that journey. It was just that, fun. We have some awesome memories to share. I decided to stay on as Lady but later added my last name and the label would go on to be called Big Crown Records. Leon Michels kept working with me and suggested I keep going in that direction. I was very thankful to have had him in my corner believing in me. We released my debut album called QUEEN Alone in 2016 that got a lot of press. I did some touring around it as well. My older fan base would now know where to find me and continue to follow my career.
What kind of music and what artists are you listening to these days?
These days I’m listening to disco, Travis Scott, Sza, Little Dragon, Anderson Paak, The Weekend, Amber Mark.
What's your relationship with coffee? How do you prepare it? Where do you get it, what's your go-to coffee/ coffee shop?
My relationship with coffee is funny because I really enjoy it and will drink it all day, but at night I get to tweaking, lol . I’m not like everyone else, they can drink it and be fine, not me, my heart will start beating fast and it keeps me up all night. I prepare it at home most times in my drip coffee maker. I really enjoy going to Starbucks as well, and I also buy them from the local grocery store. I love cold brewed and I love Mocha Frappuccino, so yummy.
We really feel that coffee and music go hand in hand, it can fuel the creative process, what are your thoughts on that and its relationship with artists/ musicians?
I think coffee and music go hand and hand as well because as a musician we are always wanting something to wake us up and get ready for the long day of meeting & greeting and the artist lifestyle. Plus, it’s so good; many flavors, hot-cold cute cups to put it in, and you can drink it most of the day. It will have you on point alert and ready to get the job done with boatloads of energy. And if you're not a talker, it will surely make you one.
How has COVID affected you and your career, and what have you been up to during the pandemic?
COVID 19 has changed everyone’s everything to say the least. But for me, I’m a new mom on top of the pandemic. I have kinda been at home raising our daughter, plus I just got married to the love of my life in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. I’m waiting on things to get better so we can get back to doing shows and what we love: giving back, giving people something they can relate to.
Other than music, what kind of hobbies or activities have you taken up during this last year with lockdowns, etc. in place?
Other than music, I’ve been into home decor and in the process of getting my own line of wallpaper, I have probably moved my furniture around several times ( lol ) and blown out a wall or two, got a pool and a three leveled deck, and to top it off, we got our 2 year old daughter some chickens. We also have been doomsday preparing as well.
Tell us about upcoming projects, records, and any collaborations you may have coming up.
I'm excited to announce my new album dropping at the end of the year Piece of Me, produced by EL Michels. It has some really dope songs on there. Not sure what else the year will bring But I’m hopeful & thankful to be still putting out music for my fans.
Last words, anything you want.
Love one another be kind.